
Monday, January 13, 2014

My Top 13 of 13

I know traditionally this is done at the end of the year, or the very beginning of the new year, but I've debated about doing a post like this for a while.  In the end, I swayed myself to do it.  I love a good reminiscing.  (:

So, here's what ya'll were loving in 2013 from {be made designs}:

1} I started the year with a recipe, which I don't do many of, but this one was too good not to share.  A creation of my mom's, this cake's secret?  The frosting's on the inside!

2} Then I shared with you my first Re*Made project of the year {of which there weren't many; hopefully that will be remedied this year}.  I found this cute coffee table at my local Habitat ReStore and fixed her up...or rather, stripped her down.

3} The loss of my mom in 2012 left me with lots of memories and treasures, some of which I turned into artwork for my living room based on this pin.  I love being able to look at the doilies she created with her own hands each day.

4} By late March, I was craving Spring, so I created a cute flower centerpiece for my dining table.  It was probably the quickest project I've done and I also only used what I had on hand!

5} I finally finished another Re*Made project that I'd had the materials for forever:  our Master Bedroom Dressers.  It got us one step closer to getting our bedroom done from our entire house makeover.  I also shared my tip on gluing paper to furniture, or any surface for that matter.  And I'm pleased to report that after 6 months of wear and tear, they are holding up very nicely.

6} We had started work on our new laundry room in January, but it took us a little while {read: almost 6 months!} to actually get it complete.  And as excited as I was to get my new laundry room, the work & the blogging pressure began to take it's toll.  I felt like I needed to re-evaluate myself, which I shared with you guys, and asked that you help keep me in check.

7} Finally -- finally! -- our new Laundry Room was completed and I shared the amazing before and afters with you guys.  And I got so much love from everyone!  Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

8} With the major construction project out of the way, I was able to concentrate on a couple of very special birthdays.  First, my nephew Matthew was turning 4, and his mom and I decided a mustache bash was in order!  I even shared a cheap way to get a quick chalkboard -- no paint needed!

9} One element of the party that wasn't visible in pictures was one of the party favors I made -- mustache cookies! -- and I showed you guys how I did it WITHOUT any special tools!

10} Not even a month later, my littlest nephew Zachary {whom I had thrown a baby shower for} was turning ONE!!  This party would be a Sock Monkey theme, with a special tribute to my mom.

The third party I threw was for my hubby, who was turning the big 3-0, and while it didn't make the top, I still wanted to give it a shout-out!

11} After the summer parties were over, I realized I still needed to show you guys an easy DIY from my new laundry room, which was also based on a pin that is quite popular.  The lace screen was perfect for adding a bit of privacy and prettiness.

12} My most favorite project of the year was next, and I am still in love with it {even after this awesome redo}.  My little mid-century modern corner is the perfect workspace for me, and I'm so glad I took a risk with the green!

13} I wrapped up the year with a few Christmas crafts/DIYs.  In looking at what I did last year {2012}, I realized I wasn't a good blogger and gave you guys way too much in too few posts.  So I recapped a few of my favorite projects in addition to a couple of new ones for 2013.  My frosted woodland snow globes were a hit, as well as my fleece ruffle wreath.

Ok, so I guess that makes it 14 projects!  Ah well...

As I'm sure it is with everyone, 2013 definitely had its ups and downs, but in looking back, I can see it was a good year.  And fingers crossed, 2014 will be just as good, if not better.  I do have several projects on my list, although like I said here, I'm not going to pressure myself to get them done.  I've been making myself small daily to-do lists with easy attainable goals for the day and I think it's been working really well for me, so I'm going to keep that up.  But I'm looking forward to sharing my ideas with you, and as always, I love your feedback!

Thanks so much for your support!  Have a great one!


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