
Monday, July 28, 2014


Times, they are a'changin'.

Or, maybe just I am.

Which is an odd thing for me to confess because I've never really been a big fan of change.  But yet, when I think about it, I am always changing things up, always wanting to mix up my routine, always varying my interests.

With all this talk of change, I bring you a post all about change!  Betcha didn't see that coming, did ya, haha!

First things first, the blog itself.  I am finding myself leaning more and more towards modern design:  in my pins, in my home and now in my blog look.  I've gone through several modifications (even an entire name change!) to get to this point, but I hope (really hope) this is it.  For a while.  A long while.  (:  And I hope it speaks more to what I hope this blog will be about:  me doing whatever makes me happy and sharing it with you guys, whether it is a DIY project, a graphic design project or a design trend or space that I'm in love with.  

The blog's new design has been up for a bit, but I thought I'd formally introduce you.

I've tried to clean up the blog design and hopefully make things easier to navigate.  Like with my pages tabs.

-- "My Favorite Projects" contains just that, all my best projects in one place!
-- All my graphic work can be found under "My Graphics & Printables"
-- We are still doing stuff to our old house, so all those projects will still be under "{my old house}"
-- And finally, a link to my hubby and mine's Etsy shop "Made Market."  Like the description suggests, our shop is a collection of random things we make.  On this page, you'll see the most current inventory in our shop, with links to each item!  Yay!

I have also updated to a new feed service for subscribing to my blog.  You can enter your email address in the box on the left side of the page:

Or there'll be a link at the bottom of each posts to subscribe.  Easy for you.  (:

Sooooo, I think that about wraps up all the blog design changes.  The goal is to make it better for you, so let me know your thoughts!  (:

Now, onto some funner changes!  That is totally a word.  Just ask Elle Woods.

I love a good before-and-after, don't you?  Well, I've got a few to share that didn't necessarily warrant their own post, but were still cool enough to share.  Woo hoo for you!

I made another corkboard chalkboard, but this one is just a plain ol' chalkboard -- no calendar.  I painted the frame in a metallic turquoise then added a lace trim to the inside edge.

I think the chalk holder is my favorite part.

This next B&A was literally a trash to treasure.  I think this was only the second time I've grabbed someone's trash from the side of the road.  I'm surprised it hasn't been more!  Anyhoo, I've been wanting to bring in more greenery into my house so when I saw this plant stand with its clean lines, I knew it would be a perfect perch for a plant in our bedroom.

I just gave it a quick couple of coats of spray paint, then glued a cork plant coaster to the chipboard top, and voila!

image via instagram

I bought this little guy, put him in a black pot that I added some stripes to, and set him up in the bedroom.

Finally, these little cuties.  I guess I was feeling a bit romantic (it was around Valentine's when I painted these) but I decided these owls needed to be more monochromatic, and how cute would it be to paint their chests like hearts!  So I did.  They are in our bedroom, after all.  ;)

Aren't they sweet?!  Have I mentioned I have a thing for owls?

That's all the changes I've got for today, but there's plenty of change going on around my house these days, so I'll have more changes to share.  Like in our bathroom.  And living room.  And soon the kitchen, too.  Not to mention the master bedroom still has yet to be revealed at all.  So, STAY TUNED! :D

Be sure to check out my previous post here!

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Linking Up Here Like a Party Animal:  Work It Wednesday * The Makers * Inspire Me Please * Inspiration Gallery 

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