
Monday, September 29, 2014

Ninja Turtles Birthday Invites

Ok, I'm way late sharing these.  Time flies when you're having fun, right?!

I have this super awesome friend who has supported me from the very beginning.  Every year she has had me design her son's birthday invites, and now she has a beautiful daughter who is turning 1 and I got to do those invites too.  (Which I CANNOT wait to share!  They are so cute!)  So, to my friend, thank you so much for taking a chance with me and supporting me and allowing me to have a part in your celebrations!

Like Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3, these invites were lots of fun to design.  And each year I try to stretch myself graphically and creatively.  This year, the graphic muscles were definitely stretched.

Confession:  I had to do a bit of research for the Ninja Turtles design.  I know, I know.  What kind of 90s child am I?  But they just weren't ever my thing.  I could maybe tell you a couple of their names, and I knew they had some chick who hung out with them.  O, and they liked pizza.

But I think I managed to come up with a rad design, even doing my very own graphics.  Yay!

I'm a pretty proud mama of these guys!


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