
Friday, March 28, 2014

Deliciously Dark Bedrooms

Sorry I went all Negative Nancy on you guys with my last post.  Just had some things on my mind I needed to lay out there, and I gotta say, I do feel better.  My outlook is much more positive, and the words of encouragement I received just reinforced all that positiveness.  So thanks!


The hubs and I are planning a trip to Colorado -- Denver, more specifically -- and we have been searching for hotels.  In all our trips, we try to find unique hotels to stay at, so our search in Denver has been fun.

One hotel we looked at, or maybe B&B is a better term, was the Patterson Inn.  While very traditional looking on the exterior, each of their nine rooms have very unique, sometimes very modern looks.  Quite a contrast.  But two of their rooms really caught my eye, and I became consciously aware of a trend that my subconscious has been drawn to lately:  Dark Bedrooms.

These are the two rooms at the Patterson Inn that grabbed my attention:
The Cheshire Room via
The Biltmore Room via
I find it a little ironic that I'm drawn to these rooms.  I mean, I constantly complain about how our house is so dark and never seems to get enough light.  Not to mention that light, white and bright is totally in right now.  And I'd paint our bedroom even darker?  Yup.  I think I would.  There is something so classic about darks.

As I was searching for inspiration images, I found I was more drawn to those with a contrast of some sort:  dark walls with bright bedding, dark walls with bright trim.  Dark rooms with a pop of bright color.  Something to break up the dark but still keeping the room in that "moody" tone.

But that's not to say the all-dark rooms aren't just as delicious.

What I think I love, too, is the contrast of the dark walls -- which feel very modern to me -- with more traditional styling and furniture.  We have an iron bed painted cream that I think would just look fabulous against a dark wall!  And to think I wanted to paint our bed green!  Scratch that!  I'm saving that cream for when I can go dark in our bedroom.  That is, if I can get hubby on board with it.  I'm not sure he's as sold as me, hehe!  Hey, it's romantic, right??

So here are the rooms that wet my whistle the most.  There were so many but I didn't want to overload you again -- like I did here.  There's also a really great pin board here that is full of even more dark rooms (not just bedrooms) if you want to see more.

via & via
Ok, I know that last one isn't a bedroom, but isn't it a FAB bathroom all decked in black!!

Of course I had to design my own dark bedroom, for that day when I can have whatever I like no matter the cost.  Like that's really going to happen!  Ha!  One can dream!
In The Moody Bedroom

I gave it that contrast I like so much (although the mirrored bedside tables probably wouldn't be that bright in a dark room, knowwhatImean).  And for even more contrast I added a touch of bright color -- with a bit of Radiant Orchid -- to slightly brighten the space and give it a more feminine touch against the dark, masculine colors.  I almost used a white iron bed to really see how my bedroom would look with dark walls, but that gray tufted thing was calling my name.

So, what do you think?  Do dark bedrooms put you in the mood, or would you rather leave the caves for the cavemen?  I'd love to hear!


I'm still working on those bathroom projects I mentioned here, but our weather (as it seems most of us DIY bloggers are experiencing) is not cooperating.  Where is my beautiful South Texas Spring??  I told my husband the other day, I am not going to complain when we finally get our hot, sunny Summer days.  Winter, I think it's time you go hibernate!  Hopefully soon and very soon I'll be able to get that bathroom update done.  Yay!

Also, be sure to follow me on Instagram for pics from our Denver trip, which we'll be taking in about a week.  While it wasn't for my birthday, it is coinciding with that day, so I am kinda excited about it.  Although I saw where Denver is expecting frozen precipitation on that day, so maybe I'll see snow on my birthday.  THAT will definitely be a first!!

O, one more thing.  I discovered this site via these ladies and I've decided to participate as part of me being more positive about turning 30.  I mean, starting it off being happy for 100 days can't help but make it positive, right??  So, if you follow me on Instagram, you'll be able to see exactly what makes me happy, among other things.  (:

Ok, I'll stop talking now, haha!  Have a great weekend!!


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