
Friday, January 25, 2013

Happy New Year?

I was having a terrible time getting myself focused in this new year.  And I really cannot fathom why.  Those of you who stuck by me this past year know I had a good list of projects that needed to be {Spit*Shined}.  You also know I didn't get them all done.  :/  I'm being lenient with myself on that because 2012 was full of unwelcome surprises in my life.  So I have those to complete, as well as a few others I've added in my head since then.  But I just couldn't get myself going.
Maybe Christmas burned me out, ha ha!  If you followed those posts, you know they were packed full of projects I did in a very short time frame.  I don't think I've ever accomplished so much in one month's time.  On that scale, anyways. 
But I am finally trying to get myself together.  2013 has some promising projects, and I'm hoping by letting you guys in on them, it will light a fire under my bum and get me going even more!

 Not only do I have the remainder of the {Spit*Shined} projects to complete, I have a couple of quick decor diy's to try out and share with you.  You'll see one just below.
I also will finish up the last room in {My Old House} and share with you.  Although, that requires the completion of a {Spit*Shined} project first.
We have also convinced our landlord to allow us to add on a laundry/mud room onto our house.  My working laundry conditions aren't the best (which you'll see) and he agreed, so construction on that will begin soon.  I am super excited about it!
My Etsy shop is just a few steps away from being open again as well.  The number of items available will be small at first, as a few of my designs are going in for a re-design thanks to my growing knowledge of graphic design from my studies.  I just finished up a class on type that was super informative and made me see a few of my invites through new eyes.  So after a few adjustments, they'll join the others in the shop.
I also hope to have a few new custom invites to show this year.
So, that's my 2013--{so far}--in a nutshell.  Sounds pretty good, if I could just get my head unscrambled.  I'm feeling like I need a brain-clearing trip somewhere....hmmm....suggestions???  :)
I do have a design goodie to share, though.  Hopefully you've seen my drawer shelves.  I think these may be my favorite project to date just because they were so unexpected and totally me.  When I first showcased them, they looked pretty sad.  Well, not the drawers themselves, but my shelf accessorizing.  As I said then, I'm not much of a knick-knack person.  Or, as I've told my husband, I don't do fluff.  My first job in the design world I worked for a woman who LOVED fluff.  In fact, I would say that was her specialty.  She had a very good eye for finding those decorative accessories to cover end tables, coffee tables, walls, credenzas, etc.  Her house was the same way.  Full of fluff.  Not me.  Maybe that's my love of modern design taking over.  Or my practical/functional side.  So I don't buy things to accessorize shelves or tables. 
But as I showed you in my Christmas post, I accessorized my drawer shelves with projects I saw on Pinterest, as well as a few Christmas decor items I had.  And, it looked good.  Admittedly, the fluff worked.
So, after all the Christmas stuff was put up, I didn't want my sadly decorated shelves back.  I wanted fluff for my shelves.
I remembered that way back when, I had pinned a "how to decorate your mantle" picture.  Clicking to the source revealed a great little blog with an easy step-by-step way to fluff up your mantle and keep it interesting.

Source: Honey & Fitz
Following that idea, and combining it with how I arranged my shelves at Christmas, I finally have, what I think, are decent looking shelves.  :)

For my center focal piece, I created a new wreath similar to the idea of my Christmas wreath, but I used an old rusty bicycle wheel.

I then layered in art pieces, my varying height accessories, and finally my collection of glass insulators. 

My "art" was a couple of DIY's:  a scrapbook paper-covered "C" as a monogram, a sweet painted silhouette, a framed invitation from our wedding, and a quick printable I made.

The painted silhouette was really simple.  We had a small oval frame with no back just lying around.  I love the idea of lovebirds, so I found an image I liked, printed it, then taped it to the glass on the back.  I painted over the design with glass paint, then after it was dry, glued the glass onto the frame.  Easy peasy!  :)


And, voila!  Happy, fluffy shelves!


And because I just adore you guys, I give you my very first printable.  :)  I love this quote.  It has become mine and my hubby's new philosophy.  And I wanted to share it with you.
Just click here for the download.


The size is 8" x 8".  I would recommend printing on cardstock if you are looking to frame it.  I framed mine in a 12" x 12" frame.
Well, enough jibber-jabber.  I better get myself up and get to work!  :)
Have a great one!
ta ta for now...



  1. Thanks so much for the printable. I always love to have things like that to frame, hang on wall, look so nice with other items on wall. Love your blog, so glad I found you.
    I so love your drawer shelves. Think I'll have hubs make some to look like drawers as something different. We're trying to get several items made so we can put them on Craigs' list to sell and at a craft show soon. Happy days

    1. Glad you enjoy the printable. I'm trying to make that my new life philosophy so it's great to have it hanging as a daily reminder.


So what did you think? I'd love to know!