
Monday, December 17, 2012

Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas {Part 3}

Well, here we are with my final Christmas post!  In case you missed it, {Part 1} featured my second favorite project while {Part 2} showcased the two projects in a tie for my third favorite projects, plus others.

So, of course, {Part 3} will finally reveal my most favorite favorite. First, though, I think I'll show you what probably was the easiest and quickest project I completed for my Christmas decor.

One of the decor items all over Pinterest is subway art and DIY subway art.  I've often thought of creating my own but it kinda terrifies me.  Which is weird because I love typography.  I can't wait for that course in my third semester.
But, in looking for something different, I came across this scrapbooking paper that I fell in love with.  And I knew I had to use it somehow in my decor.  It would be perfect for making subway art.  So I grabbed a couple of black 8x10 frames, cut my paper to fit, and had myself some instant subway art!

Not too shabby!

As you can see I placed these on my drawer shelves for some Christmas cheer.  And that actually would have been my final project, except I noticed a large "hole" on my wall between my shelves that just screamed for a wreath.  A wreath I didn't have.

I started scrounging around my house and through my unused Christmas decor to find something but was coming up with zilch.  Until I remembered a certain object I had seen while pulling the tomato cages out of storage.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is my most favorite favorite project.
I made a wreath from a oscillating fan's metal cover!  And it is so awesome!!

I decided to make the cover sit with the "bottom of the bowl" on the wall.  I wove a burlap ribbon through the grating, then wove a lace ribbon over that.  Then, as I mentioned in my previous post, red won out, ha ha, and I found a red sparkly ribbon to add a bit of color. 

Since this is a fan cover, there is a plate on the front with the company's logo.  I wanted to cover it somehow, and the "JOY" banner was the perfect way to do it.

Because the "bowl" faced out, I had space to add in the green holly leaves.

Don't you just love it?!  I can't believe how cool it turned out.  I may have to find another cover to make a wreath to hang there year round, ha ha!

So, with the wreath filling in the "hole," my Christmas cheer vignette was complete.

I hope you enjoyed my project tour for my Christmas house.  And I hope maybe you've found some inspiration, too.
I do love this time of year, and I am really missing my mom.  But I have so many wonderful memories of her at Christmas.  One thing we loved to do was watch the classic holiday movies.  Christmas in Connecticut, White Christmas, The Bishop's Wife, Holiday Affair, The Shop Around the Corner, my personal favorite Meet Me in St. Louis, and many others.
From my favorite, comes my favorite Christmas song, "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas."  It just sings to my soul and makes me happy.  Sadly, there are those who will not have a merry little Christmas this year, especially those families in Connecticut and other places who have had unnecessary violence occur recently.
But, still, I say to you, Have yourself a merry little Christmas, let your heart be light.  Next year {hopefully} all our troubles will be out of sight.

Someday soon we all will be together, if the Fates allow.  Until then we'll have to muddle through somehow.

Someday soon we all will be together, if the Fates allow.  {So} hang a shining star on the highest bough.

And have yourself a Merry Little Christmas now.

I wish you peace this holiday season. 

A very Merry Christmas, and a Happy, Blessed New Year!

for now...

Linking up here:

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