
Thursday, May 15, 2014

Inspired by Audrey

One of the first classic movies I was introduced to was "Breakfast at Tiffany's."  I think I must have been very young because I can remember not really knowing what Tiffany's was.  Crazy, right?!  And for the most part, I didn't really understand what the movie was about, I was just in awe of Holly Golightly.  She was silly, she was classy, she was beautiful.  And with that, Audrey Hepburn became my favorite actress.

love this!  via

I then tried to watch every Audrey Hepburn movie I could, TCM becoming a staple in my life.  There are still a few I haven't seen, but I pretty much love them all.

When I saw the Summer Style Soiree challenge come up with Audrey Hepburn as the first star, I decided to play along and create a design board based on one of her movies.  First instinct was "Breakfast at Tiffany's" but I realized that's too easy.

So I picked a different movie that is another favorite, even though I'm a "happily ever after" kinda girl.
"Roman Holiday" is so much fun and you want so bad for the princess to run away with the reporter and have her life of freedom, but you know, in reality, a princess can never run away.  She has a duty, but at least she was able to know love.  

It's been some time since I've seen the movie all the way through, but I decided to design a living room for a girl who took her design cues from the movie. 

I started with this movie poster:

I love the colors, I love how chic & fun it is, and I love how it looks a little modern.  And that's where I got my inspiration!

Since she had tons of fun exploring Rome, how could I not make the room feel a little whimsical, right?  I took it a little modern but still classic, and gave it a girly edge, along with just a touch of "frilly" to make the princess feel a little more at home.  And the touches of dark add the much needed contrast, but also give that edge of masculinity, a reminder of her first (and only?) love.  Yep, I'm a romantic.  (:

Well, personally, I think we could all use a little Audrey in our lives, haha, so do yourself a favor, and go enjoy one of her movies. Soon.  (:  I recommend Roman Holiday (obviously) or The Children's Hour or Funny Face.  O, heck, here's a whole list you can pick from, haha!

Enjoy your day!


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  1. Oooooh! I love your modern take on this room! I love all the art and of course the 2 chairs you chose for the space!Simply fab!

    1. Thank you! It was fun to put together! And I would love to have that barrel chair, too!

  2. Jenni,
    I love it!!!! It's absolutely gorgeous and I hope that your friend enjoys it too! You are unbelievable talented, smart, have a great vision, and so beautiful (inside and out). Shannon


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