
Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Inspiration in the Bathroom {Free Printable}

It's funny where you can find inspiration when you're least expecting it.

That would be me, finding it in the bathroom hallway at a Buc-ee's convenient store.

If you are from or have ever traveled in Texas, and even more specifically South/East Texas and the lower region of the Hill Country, you have more than likely seen or encountered a Buc-ee's.  Because they have the funniest billboards within at least 40 miles of the nearest Buc-ee's, and they have THE cleanest bathrooms EVER!  Like, when we travel, that's the ONLY place I'm ok stopping at.  {TMI??}  

{I am not affiliated with, nor am I being compensated for my opinions by Buc-ee's.  I'm just sharing with you one of the best pieces of travel advice when traveling through Texas.  (:  }

But, not only do they have the cleanest bathrooms, their flagship stores have really awesome shops: t-shirts, home decor, gifts, jewelry, hunting gear, candles....etc.  And with all this awesome stuff at their disposal, they decorate the hallways to their bathrooms with it -- more so on the Ladies side.  We can probably guess why.  (:

So, on one such visit, I was perusing said bathroom hallway decor, and an art piece featuring a few words caught my eye:  "The purpose of life is a life of purpose."  What was so significant about this piece was that it totally fit with some questions I had been having with myself.  What am I doing with my life?  What am I accomplishing?  Am I making a difference somewhere with someone?  I suppose after losing my mom, I looked back at all the things she had done with her life -- which was a lot! -- and I wanted the same for my life.  To look back and be proud of all I accomplished and who I am.

So when I saw these words, they really resonated with me.  And I wanted to share that inspiration with you folks so I created this lil' graphic.

You can click just below the picture on the size for a printable image.  (:


Great food for thought if you ask me.

Have a great day!

ta-ta for now...

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Linking up here:  Ella Claire * The Blissful Bee * Sugar and Dots 

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