
Thursday, February 23, 2012

{Spit*Shined}: To Do List

For the past, oh I dunno, 5 years, my New Year's resolution has been the same:  Try new things.  It's one of those vague ideas that I can apply when necessary.  Gets me out of my little bubble when I feel like it, ha ha.  But I think this year, without really realizing it, I've set a business resolution.  I was cleaning out some files on my computer, and kept coming across all these pictures of things I've saved, thinking, I'm gonna do that one day.  Well, this year is going to be my "one day."  I've created a list of enough projects to have one per month, for the remaining months of the year (since January has already said good-bye...and I better get a move on if I'm gonna make February, ha ha!).

Now this list doesn't actually comprise of those above mentioned items.  As I was going through them, seeing all of those things I've wanted to create, I realized I have a long enough list of items to do here in the new house still!

So, as it stands, this is my list.  As I complete a project, I hope to post.  Kind of like a DIY series.

In no particular order:
1. storage dresser redo {march 2012}
2. corkboard/chalkboard calendar {april 2012}
3. master bedroom dressers redo {april 2013}
4. office curtains
5. sofa pillows
6. magazine holder redo {may 2012} *fail*
7. dining room chair seat cushions
8. advent calendar from my mom's old tchotchke shelf
9. oval mirror redo {february 2012}
10. breakfast table bench cushion {november 2012}
11. office desk & chair redo replaced with a new desk & chair

January wasn't a total waste; I was able to knock a couple of projects off my list, not included in those above, of course.  And I'd like to share those redo's with you. 

Presenting, the made-over metal drawer cabinet, which is now my organized business do-dads storage unit. {very technical term there!} :)

This cabinet originally resided in my grannie's office for her business, but she graciously gave it to me and it was perfect for organizing all my Just Crafty stuff.  The cabinet got a coat of new paint--a metallic goldy-beige {much prettier than it sounds}--and new funky labels.  It's perfect!

My other project was one I've always had in the back of my mind but only until recently did I for sure know how I wanted to execute it.  Before, this little stool was just that:  boring wood stool.  I had a long time ago chopped the legs off to fit at my desk, which made it the perfect height to sit at the vanity in the bathroom.  But that little white stool just wasn't cutting it.  Painting it did wonders, but the seat was still uncomfortable.  I had some scrap sheepskin stowed away that I thought would make a cushy spot so I nail-trimmed it to the stool.  And I think it turned out not half bad.  :)

UPDATE:  I'm thinking this stool is going to get another make-over.  It's not really working with what I've got going in my bathroom now.  That, or it's time to just up and get something new.  I think some things can only be made over so much????

Hopefully you found a little inspiration, and will maybe find a little more once I get going on my to-do's.

Hope everyone has a great day!

Ta ta for now...

as always, i {heart} comments :)

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