
Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Opportunity I've Always Wanted -- Sorta

I know the majority of my posts are about the graphic stuff I've created, but I am a "designer of all things" at heart, especially interiors.  I really hope to one day have a little shop selling my invites as well as my own interior creations.  But, ever since I discovered, and fell in love with, design, I have always wanted to have an old house I can fix up just the way I'd like.  Be careful what you wish for.....or maybe I should say be more specific about what you wish for.....

When my husband and I moved back home about 6 months ago, we began scouring the countryside looking for a place to call home.  We knew we couldn't move right away, and that the right place would come along at the right time.  And so it did.  I knew of this place that had been empty for a few years, and I knew the owner pretty well.  See, it was the house I grew up in, which is a 1950's ranch house (not exactly the "old" I was going for but I will elaborate more on that with the first post).  Go figure!  But after thinking about it, it would be perfect for us right now.  The only thing left to do was convince the owner to let us rent it.  After surveying the property, we realized it needed a lot of TLC, but nothing that we would be afraid to tackle.  So after my amazing sales pitch--Ha Ha--he agreed to let us clean it up, fix it up, and call it home! 
We have now semi-moved in and still have those little touch-up things to do.  Once we are fully settled--which will hopefully be soon, I will be featuring a series of before & after blogs for you to see the amazing transformation this little house has undergone, as well as a few design touches of my own.  I am so excited!  My first real project as lead designer and when we're done, we get to live in it!!  I have also learned a lot along the way and can't wait to apply that knowledge to my next project.

So, hopefully you'll stay tuned!

Until then...

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