
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Christmas Projects

Ok, so this is a little late, but my life has been C-R-A-Z-Y the past couple of months, so forgive me :)

I had a couple of really neat projects I worked on for the Christmas season that I wanted to share with you.

This first set was an order from a real estate company on the coast that wanted personalized Christmas cards, but also something different and unique.  They were sending them to their clients who had purchased homes within this past year.  In trying to create that one-of-a-kind card, I came up with a play on their name and I think the results were pretty nifty!  Thankfully, they liked them too!  :)

I also had an order for birthday cards -- generic sets for ladies and guys.  Coming up with something for the ladies was easy.  Guys, you're tough!  But I finally had a light bulb for something different but "guyish."  What I like about either of these designs is how easily they could become the basis for other things:  a wedding shower invitation (from the ladies' invite) or a boy's birthday party invite (from the guys' invite), just for starters.  I even think the airplanes could be neat for a wedding invite.  Hmmm....(brain mechanics working...)  Look for that soon!  Anyhoo.....

To make these extra different, the binding for the ladies cards is a sewn edge, while a single small brad holds together the guys cards, making them "swing" open.
And last, but not least, my personal Christmas cards.  In the hustle and bustle of things, we were unable to send out our Christmas cards like we do each year, so only a select few received theirs hand delivered.  I was disappointed in this because I really liked our cards this year, but it is what it is.  Makes me look forward to next Christmas :) 

So this was my Christmas joy this year.  :) 

Until next time...

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