
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Reasons for the Season

It's almost Christmas.  Those three words generally evoke feelings of joy, anticipation, happiness, and memories of childhood.  But this year I'm struggling with that.  Those three words are just that -- words.  A signal that malls are full of crazed shoppers, that it's time for parties, food and gifts, and that the year is almost over.

I've had a hard year, and I know I'm not alone in that.  I've gone through things that I never imagined I'd ever go through, let alone at my age.  And in thinking about this past year and what my husband and I have lost and how we've hurt, I can still see the many, many blessings in my life.

I recently saw the episode of Family Guy where Brian and Stewie go to the North Pole to find Santa.  When they get there, they find Santa gravely ill and the workshops more like dirty factories with these huge iconic smokestacks billowing black smoke.  Not at all what one would imagine the North Pole to look like.  The cause of this?  Us, a society whose wish lists grow longer each year, and in his attempts to keep up with the demand, he's grown weak.  The only way to save Santa is for each person to ask for only one gift for Christmas.  The next Christmas they do, and Santa is saved.  (Note:  This episode was done in grand Family Guy style, so I would not recommend sharing it with your children!  Just the moral of the story.)

I really related to that symbolism, especially after this year.  If you could only ask for one thing from Santa in order to save him, what would it be?  Honestly, I can't think of anything...nothing tangible that is.  I already have so much that what else could I possibly need?  I have an amazing family that has stood by my husband and me through everything, great friends, a wonderful church family, a roof over my head, a vehicle to get me where I need to go and food in my pantry.  I have love constantly surrounding me.  I have the gift of creating things and I love sharing them with you.  And I have a God that loves me unconditionally, so much so that he had his own son -- a baby brought to Earth on Christmas -- killed just for me.  If those aren't reasons enough to celebrate this Christmas, I don't know what is.

My family did away with gifts this year.  We are just simply spending time together.  And celebrating the little things.  And I really feel that that is what Christmas is all about.  So I say again: It's almost Christmas!  Time to gather with family and friends, to share the Christmas story and to remember the reasons for the season -- a very special little baby and all the little things in life. 

I don't have a new notecard design or a cute little craft to share.  Just a message from me to you:  Merry Christmas!  May you be truly blessed this holiday season, with all the little things.

Until next time...

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